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Peak Week : What You Need To Be Checking

Eeeek, peak week is approaching & it’s time to make sure you are organised & ready to go! We’ve gathered our top tips to help you out as peak week should be stress-free & a time where you can relax as much as possible before show day!

Have you paid for everything?

Keep tabs on all of your appointments & expenses so you don’t get any big shocks on show day for outstanding payments. Download our competing budget planner & tick off items as you pay for them. We recommend splitting the costs by paying for something each payday/month to make life easier.

Heels, Jewellery & Bikinis

At the beginning of your peak week please, please, please check your shoes, jewellery & bikini. This will give you time to order any last minute items if needed.

Check your heels, in particular the straps to ensure that they don’t have any splits in them…you don’t want your heels breaking on stage! We always recommend keeping a pair of detachable ankle straps in your show day bag just in the case of an emergency.

Check your show day jewellery, again a second pair of earrings, another bracelet etc. is a great idea…just in case!

The same goes for your bikini. Pack a small sewing kit, gorilla glue & a clear bra strap for any potential last minute fixes. Although it may be rare for these things to break/happen, it’s much better to be over-prepared than under-prepared, right? We do also reccomend having a back up pair of heels & a spare bikini too if possible!


If you have a separate pair of ‘stage heels’ make sure you wear them in BEFORE the stage so they feel comfortable & aren’t going to rub whilst you are on stage. Also, if you are planning on using bikini tape/bikini bum we HIGHLY recommend that you practice using this beforehand too.

Show day bag

Download a copy of our show day checklist & pack your bag ahead of time. Packing last minute will only cause you unnecessary stress & you may end up forgetting important things. If you are staying at a hotel, pack everything you need for show day in a separate bag to your overnight bag. The last thing you want to do is accidentally leave an essential backstage item at your hotel.

Get organised

When it comes to show weekend, you are potentially going to have a lot of appointments & a lot of things to remember to do. Ease any stress immediately by writing down all of the important things (makeup/hair appointment, registration time, tan, show schedule timings etc.) in a note on your phone.

Jot down the timings & screenshot the page. Set this as the lock screen on your phone, now every time you look at your phone everything is right in front of you and easy to see. This will reduce the hassle of constantly checking your emails, messages etc. for timings or having to remember everything (which trust us, with prep brain can be very overwhelming!)


As peak week approaches, take this time to reflect on your journey so far. You are about to do something that so many can only ever imagine doing. You have worked SO hard & show day is YOUR day to show off. Be proud of how far you have come, pat yourself on the back & enjoy every single second of it. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself in regards to placing etc. We know that everyone wants to win, but as cliché as it sounds you are already a winner. So go out there & bring your best, what will be will be!

Have a listen to our favourite peak week related podcast episodes from @Notjustabikinigirl below.

As we said earlier, Peak week should be a stress free experience. So use our tips to ensure that you have prepared everything beforehand & you can enjoy it without having to rush around!

Need some more help? We are always on hand via email info@kompak.store or DM @Kompakwomen for tips, advice or general chat with all things competing!